Raise Fund for Food
In today’s world we know that many people do not get their food daily. It is very difficult for us in today’s world that people do not get their food. So we opened a project called “No people will die without eating”

- Food essential for good health and nutrition.
- It protects you against many chronic noncommunicable diseases.
- Healthy food give us better mood and energy levels
- Improved memory and brain health
Millions of people around the world live under a lower scale of poverty. They do not get pure, safe and sound drinking water. So we are trying to serve them pure health water for their better future.
Promoting the right of poor children
We have launched this project to ensure the rights of poor children.Around the world many children are neglected due to their poverty. They can eat food properly, and can not go to school. So parents send those children to work for a small amount of money. As a result they are not getting their right. It is shameful for us. So to make sure the rights of poor children who are neglected we are working on this event. Called promoting the rights of poor children.
People in Africa, Philistine, afghanistan, Livia and many other countries are not getting the proper medical treatment. So we have open a slogan and a project called “people will not suffer for medical treatment”